Friday, January 11, 2008

Cherish Me

We read about Herbie the GR that mummy acquainted few years ago had gone to the rinbow bridge. Mummy was all sniffy when she read aunty S's entry on Herbie's blog. Mummy felt that she had not been spending enough quality time with us or taking us out more often.

We know it was hard on mummy to have to work and take care of us both alone. She also under the pressure to be able to bring home the bread. She has 2 mouths to feed and I am not in very good health since young and each visit to the vet cost quite an amount.

I know we had a much shorter lifespan than a human baby and we sleep most of the time. Not only mummy wants to spend more time with us, we want to try to spend more time with her too. We are learning to cherish each other. Mummy had not been taking much photos for us lately other than some snapshot from her mobile. She will try to upload and keep as much pix of us as possible.

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